In the beginning of the year starts the breeding season, and today we are writing the 10th articled dedicated to Silvena Sport breeding activity. In this article you will find facts and tracing again the way to breeding “NEW GENERATION SPORT HORSES”. At the end of last year, thanks to his stallion CASALL Ask, Rolf-Göran Bengtsson topped the world ranking! If you follow closely our updates, you already know that the stallion CLARISALL is growing in Bulgaria, who is a combination of Mr Bengtsson’s two stallions and he knows that long ago: In the summer of 2016 CLARISALL’s first offspring was foaled and Mr Bengtsson exclaimed: "A foal with impressive pedigree - inspiring!"
At the end of 2016, in Doha, Qatar, while Mr Bengtsson was struggling to prove he was No 1, Holsteiner Verband sold CLARISALL’s brother peaking the highest price at the auction – EUR 170 000: At the beginning of each year, a few rankings of breeding stallion around the world are made. We would like to draw your attention to one of them – Top 5 Sires in Showjumping ranking: Currently, on the top of that ranking is stallion CASALL Ask, sire of CLARISALL’s dam! On the second place is TALOUBET Z, who genetically is quite close to А'KHAN Z, and for the last few years we, more than once, have highlighted that. Otherwise, Silvena Sport has three mares sired by А'KHAN Z!!! The first mare sired by А'KHAN Z – AGENTURA has already foaled a filly by the impressive GRAND SLAM VDL and we will see her soon in the races. Underlining the huge role of brood mares as regard a good horse breeding, we will proceed with the fact that the first foal sired by CLARISALL of QUIDAM‘S GIRL, and the latter is a sister of QUEET EASY! We believe that her elasticity, combined with the huge power of CLARIMO Ask and cleanness of CASALL Ask’s jumping would secure an excellent horse in sport: QUEET EASY is one of main Bertram Allen’s horses; Allen was 6th in the world last year, and at the beginning of this year he continues to compete successfully: All that gives us the reason to believe that the best is to come! We expect two more foals sired by CLARISALL, the first to be foaled by ARKA – maternally sister of VAL KILMOR – the horse that reached Michel Robert, and the second foaled by KALIGRAFIA (CALIDOI) – paternally sister of COUPE DE COUER, a-three-time champion of Germany!!! KANNAN is the stallion to impregnate QUIDAMS GIRL, ARKA and VENERA MILOSKA (if the last two give a birth successfully) this year. For the last 3 years he stepped down the first place in WBFSH’s ranking, however he remains one the most respected stallions in the world!!! If the attempts with KANNAN fail, there are three other options - GRAND SLAM VDL, SPARTACUS TN and CLARISALL.
WBFSH Top 10 Show Jumping Sire Ranking Sire rankings 2014
1 (2) KANNAN - 14,130
2 (6) CORNET OBOLENSKY - 13,508
3 (5) DIAMANT DE SEMILLY - 10,882